Australian Artist Anna Glynn

contemporary multimedia artist

Anna Glynn & Peter Dalmazzo
Interdisciplinary Art & Science Collaborations

“…Their art practice combines both the insights, facts, and vision of real biology (courtesy of Peter’s expertise) done on site, but then it is shaped into aesthetic expression (by Anna) in installations, videos and sound works that are far more vivid and expressive than any textbook or study…” Tanya Ortega President National Parks Arts Foundation, USA

Video ‘glimpses’ revealing ecological elements encountered at ARNA, Sweden

Artist Anna Glynn and biologist Peter Dalmazzo are taking part in the ARNA-project Art, Ecology & Science to connect the vision for a new UNESCO biosphere reserve and the development of science facilities for material studies in the region of Skåne in Sweden.

The aim for the project is to test how a future art program can create crossborder experiences between the fields of Art, Ecology & Science to support public outreach and a sustainable development.

During 2018 the project involves five artists to develop cooperations together with the municipalities of Sjöbo, Lund and Eslöv, the Science Village Scandinavia, the science facility MAX IV, the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences at Lund University. Connections are also developed around the globe, with Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Estonia, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology in Salmon Head biosphere reserve in USA and Noosa Biosphere reserve in Australia.

Art, Ecology & Science is developed by the organization ARNA i Fågelriket with support from Region Skånes kulturnämnd.

Video ‘glimpses’ revealing ecological elements encountered at Grass Mountain, USA

ARNA Fågelriket is a nonprofit organization. Through their projects they involve artists from around the world to explore and express human relationships towards nature and to unfold culture's role in a sustainable development. ARNA is situated in an existing area in the south of Sweden. Two visions are developed here, a new UNESCO biosphere reserve in Vombsjösänkan and a grand scale science area outside the city of Lund. Two science facilities will study materials of everyday life in extreme details, from plastics and proteins to medicines and molecules. The research at MAX IV and ESS are expected to lead to breakthroughs in medicine, environmental science, climate, communication and transport. The two visions, of biosphere reserve and science area, have connecting points. Physically they meet just outside the city of Lund. Visionary they meet in the aim of working for a sustainable development in human service through collaboration and openness.